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How to install a license key via Web License Manager

This article provides you with a step-by-step description on how to install your license key with the web license manager.

The web license manager has been designed to facilitate the installation of license keys. As a consequence, it can be installed via your web browser.

This kind of web based license manager will soon apply to all our products, except for DocumentsCorePack Client. At the moment, it only applies to PowerSearch and ActivityTools.
Please note: We use our addon PowerSearch for demonstrating purposes in the below step-by-step tutorial.

Step 1: Open the PowerSearch “Web License Manager”
To do so, open your CRM Settings, navigate to the MSCRM-ADDONS-section and click on PowerSearch.

Figure 1: CRM Settings > MSCRM-ADDONS > PowerSearch 

In the PowerSearch main configuration window, you will be provided with a few tabs that allow you to configure PowerSearch in general. As per default, the Getting Started-tab is displayed. Please navigate to the Licensing-tab.  

Figure 2: PowerSearch main configuration window (Getting Started-tab)Step 2: Install your license-key
In the so opened PowerSearch Web License Manager, you are provided with information regarding to your license. Please click on the [Install license]-button in order to install your license key. 

Figure 3: PowerSearch main configuration window (Web License Manager)

You are provided with the Install License dialog. Use this dialog to install the license key for PowerSearch. Follow the instructions carefully and insert your license key in the provided text box. The license key can be found in the email you have received from our support team. If you have not received an email yet, please contact our support team (      

Figure 4: Install license dialog

Please note: There are two different ways to retrieve the license-key:

a) Open the email you have received from our support team and extract the attached 
.zip-file. Click on the [Select file]-button in the Install license dialog and select the unzipped .txt-file.  
b) Open the email and extract the attached .zip-file. Open the .txt-file and copy its content into the text box in the Install License dialog. (see Figure 4)

Step 3: Install the license-key
To finish the installation, simply click on the [Install]-button in the Install license dialog.

(Blog still being reviewed)

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